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Warnersville Winter Youth Basketball - WVLYBBWN

The Community Recreation Center Basketball Program allows children and teenagers ages 5-16 to participate in a recreation league team. Some teams travel and compete against other recreation centers in Greensboro.

If your child has not participated in Sports with Parks and Recreation before, you will need to provide a copy of their birth certificate and create a PAYS Account before they can register. You can upload both documents from My Account > Documents. Once we receive those, a staff member will review them and reach out to let you know that you can continue with the registration. Children will not be allowed to play or practice until all forms are submitted. Registration form and any waivers can be found on our website.
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res/NR/NGC) Availability Column #11
Unavailable WVLYBBWN-01 Warnersville Winter Youth Basketball 5-7 12/02/2024 -03/31/2025 12:00 am -12:00 am M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa Warnersville Center 5-7.99 Unavailable