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National Girls and Women in Sports Day - ATHGSD

Greensboro Parks and Recreation in collaboration with UNCG Center for Women's Health and Wellness will be hosting a day of Play for girls ages 5-16 to celebrate National Girls and Women In Sports Day. The event will focus on providing instruction on a variety of sports while encouraging active lifestyles, socialization and quality of life. Greensboro Parks and Recreation Athletic staff, partners and volunteers will lead these skill development initiatives. This event will take place at UNCG Middle College Gymnasium (1510 Walker Ave. Greensboro, NC 27412). Pizza will be provided to participants.

Participants will be encourage to attend the UNCG Women's Basketball Game vs. Samford at 2pm. Registered participants will be sent additional information about claiming either a free or reduced discount rate for participants and additional guest. for more information you can contact Anthony Moore at [email protected].
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res/NR/NGC) Availability Column #11
Unavailable ATHGSD-01 National Girls and Women in Sports Day of Play 02/01/2025 -02/01/2025 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Sa Location Varies 5-16.99 Unavailable